Alloy Transit

Our company Alloy Transit LLC, CIF: B42703488, is the official distributor on the territory of Spain of one of the leading Russian producers of such ferrous alloys as: Ferrotitanium, grade FeTi70Si1 and Ferronickel, grade FeNiCr2.

These ferroalloys are made of the highest quality raw materials using the most sophisticated production methods on the market.

Unbeatable quality of our final product has already been highly appreciated by both European and Russian companies.

Final quality control of Ferrotitanium and Ferronickel alloys is performed on the spot, in the local laboratory of the manufacturer and is supervised by many independent international experts of the metallurgical industry: Alfred H Knight - market leader in metals and minerals inspection as well as the industry famous Stockpile Surveying and Protection B.V.


The modern metallurgical industry which specializes in steel smelting or iron casting is hard to imagine without the use of ferroalloys.

Ferroalloys are a category of iron alloys which are used for the production of various types of alloys, including steel ones.

The existence of ferroalloys makes it possible to produce materials with a number of improved and special properties. These can have structural, corrosion-resistant (stainless), heat-resistant and other distinctive qualities.


Nickel is probably one of the most important elements used in the production of Ferroalloys. Modern heat-resistant steel simply cannot be made without the addition of Nickel.

During the last years, the demand for this metal has increased significantly due to its unique properties. Modern steel producers use ferronickel in rather large quantities which makes this product such an important one for the whole industry.

Ferronickel is an alloy of iron and nickel, obtained by the electrical melting of oxidized nickel ores. Nickel is mainly used in the production of various (steel) alloys. It is one of the key elements that can greatly improve the properties of steel; adding nickel to an alloy increases steel's toughness, ductility and corrosion resistance. The element is widely used in the production of various heat and acid-resistant, stainless alloys. In some cases, Ferronickel can be used as a cheaper alternative to pure Nickel.

Area of application

Steel industry is the main consumer of Ferronickel, with 62% going there, compared to around 19%, for the non-ferrous metallurgy. The main purpose of Ferronickel is in the creation of a wide variety of alloys.

Nickel is an essential element of the most modern corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant materials.

Alumel and Chromel are probably among the most well-known heat-resistant thermoelectrode alloys. But there are also hastelloys (Ni-Cr-Mo, Ni-Mo); chromium-nickel stainless steels which are widely used in chemical equipment.


Nickel can be found in several types of ores. The total reserves of this chemical element are quite large. The largest percentage of Ni is in the composition of sulfide copper-nickel ores - up to 4%. Other minerals, such as, zigenite (Co, Ni)3S4, violarite Ni2FeS4, fletcherite Cu(Ni, Co)2S4 and other Silicate (laterite) ores contain a smaller amount of Nickel - 1-2% but are also widely used in the industry.

Ferronickel is usually supplied in the form of ingots, lumps or small granules/particles.


Ferrotitanium is one of the most important alloys amongst its siblings. It is widely used in the metallurgy and its addition very often drastically improves mechanical properties of many alloys and steels.

Ferrotitanium is an alloy of titanium and iron, with 10-20% Iron and up to 75% Titanium. Ferrotitanium is usually made through the remelting of scrap Titanium (with addition of Steel or Iron) or during the last stage of smelting - reduction. Sometimes this alloy may contain smaller quantities of aluminum, copper, silicon and carbon.

The alloy can be used as an additive for deoxidizing steels. A manufacturer can significantly reduce the smelting time and energy consumption of the whole process by going with Ferrotitanium instead of refractory Titanium, while not sacrificing the high quality of the final product at the same time. High-speed, tool and die steels are also made with ferrotitanium.

Areas of use

The main field of Ferrotitanium application is steel metallurgy. It is actively used during the production and deoxidizing of many steels and alloys.

Titanium introduced into stainless and heat-resistant steels with Ferrotitanium plays the role of a stabilizer that binds carbon into titanium carbides and prevents the formation of chromium carbides. Ti also improves the weldability of corrosion-resistant chromium-nickel steels and their mechanical properties.

Ferrotitanium is widely used during the manufacturing of welding electrodes, as it increases the strength properties of the welded joint and the level of resistance to fatigue cracking during the welding process.


Ferrotitanium is produced by a reduction or remelting process. Aluminum, carbon and silicon can be used as reducing agents. The aluminum-thermal method is the most widespread in the industry.

Ferrotitanium is smelted in a collapsible cast-iron furnace with lined walls. The charge consists of titanium concentrate, a source of Ti, aluminum powder, a reducing agent, lime (limestone), ferrosilicon, iron ore, and titanium waste.

The reduction process is started by setting off an ignition mixture consisting of nitrate and magnesium shavings.

Our company

Alloy Transit was founded in 2010 as a trading and manufacturing company in the Ferroalloys industry. For many years we have been holding leading positions on the market, proving ourselves a reliable and trusted partner to many of our clients.

Our company is always open for new mutually beneficial offers of cooperation as well as for an establishment of partnership relations with interested parties. We are always ready to offer competitive prices and flexible payment terms to both our clients and partners.

Alloy Transit offers special conditions for our long-term partners. We have developed special conditions for business associates, which will allow you to reach new business heights, increase your income and significantly expand your clientele.

We look forward to hearing from you. For more information and details, you can always get in touch with one of the members of our staff.


Dirección: Spain, 03170 Rojales (Alicante), Partida Perdigón, Polígono 8, parcela 121
Phone number +34 665 601 807